Berkeley Phoenix House
"Rise from the ashes ..."
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Berkeley Phoenix House

To do creative work
the individual must
the vast heritage
of the mediocre
and find the true values
within human expressions
-- Henry Hill
Little did we know, when fire destroyed our Henry Hill designed family home September 2008, the long and difficult path we would follow, to rebuild our home and return our life to some semblance of normalcy.  Like the Phoenix,  the home will "rise from the ashes". . . 

(For more history and photos of the original home, Please click here to view the PDF file provided to the City.)

The new design incorporates most elements and floor plan of the original design by Hill, a family friend. Additional changes were made to meet new building codes.  The committment as a wheelchair accessible home has been retained.  The home has remained in the family since its original construction in 1951 for Uncle Karl,
a quadripeligic US Army veteran.

The fire pictures are a stark reminder of the grim reality of the loss of a home and 4 generations of family history.  One can not forget our daughter has been living out of boxes in a 1 bedroom apartment for nearly 5 years - with her life on hold - while we wait for the rebuilding to be completed.

Additional architectual renderings on following pages depict the views the adjacent homes would have, as well as how the Berkeley Phoenix House will be nestled into the enviroment.   

Renderings and photos by  
Anderson Anderson Architecture, San Francisco

Photo Credit: Henry Hill playing harpsicord at the Creston Road home,  photo by Karl von Hacht, owner & friend. 

Notes regarding the model rendering in the masthead above: 

The top red dashed line is the height of the neighbor's roof to the north (left) and south (right).  The top red dashed line is lower than the height of the uphill neighbor's deck.  The 4th revision plan did not obstruct views from the uphill home and was equal in maximum height to adjacent homes north and south.

The bottom red dashed line is the elevation of the main green roof as it compares to the neighboring homes.  The black windows, above the top dashed line, are the main floor "view" windows of the uphill home east of Berkeley Phoenix House.


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