Berkeley Phoenix House
"Rise from the ashes ..."
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Compare the photo above to the After the Fire photo.

Photos from several months before the fire help one to understand why the various plans for the Berkeley Phoenix House would not have negatively impacted the historical views from uphill homes.   The thick vegetation, trees, and the Copper Beech were "higher" than the proposed roof access height in plans 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5.   The uphill neighbors were trying to preserve views they did not have before the fire.   After reconstruction, the uphill neighbors will enjoy better views than prior to the fire.  

Photo 1 - above - is looking WNW towards the entry & carport from the driveway.  Note the height of the Copper Beech above the carport roof.   The Copper Beech & trees to left prevented any view of the roof area of the lower west wing.   The "sight line" over the Copper Beech can be seen on the
Ventilation page. 

Photo 2 - below - is looking NW across the carport roof level.   Note the height of the chimney on the brown house to the north.  That chimney is the exact height of the roof access structure that the ZAB denied in Revision 5.   The chimney is at the maximum allowable height for the neighbor's lot,  while on our property,  Plan 5 was 3.5' below the maximum allowable building height, and Plan 6 is some 10' below maximum for our lot.  The height of the Copper Beech above the previous roof is clearly visible.

Photo 3 - below -  is a view taken from the west edge roof level, looking East uphill towards the uphill house.   One can clearly see that the trees in the courtyard & between the homes block any view of the west wing of our previous home from the deck of the neighbors.  Can you see their deck?  The TOP of their house is barely visible. - the orange/red band.  The roof access structure proposed but protested by the neighbors in Version 5 would not have impacted on their previous or current views.   With the construction of plan 5 or 6 of the Berkeley Phoenix House, the views from uphill would be better than before the fire.  

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